Radar reports that Mel Gibson allegedly screamed that he wanted the Jewish blood of one of his enemies all over his hands. From Radar:
The anti-Semitic slur was allegedly made by Mel in reference to a high-profile Hollywood figure who is Jewish and who Mel believed had “publicly humiliated” him.
Gibson hired individuals to place this person under surveillance, Oksana told authorities.
“Oksana says Mel told her, ‘I want Jew blood on my hands,’ and said he wanted the person taken to the desert, stripped naked, knee capped and left in the heat,” a source close to one of the investigations involving Mel told RadarOnline.com exclusively.
Gibson never followed through with his threats.
u want jew blood…U GOT IT
yes if mel cuts himself shaving he will have jew blood on his hands!!!
festivus miracle
yes, mel has jew blood if u look at his coat of arms. be careful what u wish for.