TC was kind to the fish in 1985. He made us use barbless hooks. Always told us to put the fish back into the Lake. Saint Francis was the saint of animals. The Simpsons Fish episode isn’t the truth. The truth of why TC joined Scientology was because of Psychiatric abuse. The Psychs are the new priesthood. They determine what is fact or fiction.
we couldn’t afford these fish flakes in 1985…had to beg borrow or steal cuz paper routes paid next to nothing
Watch TC’s post 9/11 oscars speech about poor times…the fish were starving before ichthyphilia diagnosis
POOR TIMES….understand clams and shellfish? I wasn’t making love to the fish i was feeding them because they were gonna die….CRUCIFY ME…don’t give me that much deserved oscar for EYES WIDE SHUT
fuck it
i don’t care
THEY were the best audience….the fish…people are like fish in an ani defranco song
now after dr. frankenstein/bill gates aluminum oxide spray the people have no memory of 9/11 whatsoever
Old pope vs new pope
Madonna is most important italian singer, not Brava
My dream was to be a Cardinal…but a Cardinal with a wife like the Orthodox and the schism
Scientology is based on illuminated/masonry, like skull & Bones…CIA sex secrets recorded in a coffin
Tom followed rev 9 to the letter…lot’s of G’s…and a ride in the Aurora