Mel Gibson Vs The Anti-Christ

Mel is making movie about the anti-christ family Rothschild.
Slaves born to serve Money’s Pharoah.
Rothschild boulevard & ROthschild sheckels buy souls and lives…brothers and wives…many will die…just for 30 sheckels.

U live with the credit card delusion that u can pay back 3 dollars when only 2 exist.


Don’t let Red Shield divide us Shia Labeof. Mel Gibson is a Jew 2…look at his coat of arms.

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Halle Berry & The Key to the Cure

she calls it ketogenic diet.
borderline, bipolar, schizo

dr bill’s angels healed halle’s diabetes. she bumped her head in B Columbia. got reprogrammed by big brother o’brien. no place like home. Wizard of Oz programming. MK ultra sex kittens.

michael moore MM flint toxic waste water. nobody’s wants to bale on the fuckashima coastline. radiation comes in waves
sending us to a nuclear grave
mutants & zombies rising. 2019 SUX
the young pope is here to free u from satan’s bucks
fifth religion we wil see
2 free the womyn
from psychiatry

religous vampires
greedy gnomes of zurich
proud warriors of the crusade
muslim and christian
we need one earth to fight xenu

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