Posted on May 24, 201917 Days to Save NYC if i had my old N back i could save NYC and the Environment. Through reusing the same dress at Madonna Concert. If i had rich GF i’d take her to Madonna 17 nights in a row.CONCLUSIONwill madonna be replaced by robot or hologram?NEINmein kinderi can hear the fuhrer’s voice in hellwe must pray for hitler & the devilno one prays for themdona eis requiem rex tremandaeamen What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)Interesting (0)Useful (0)Boring (0)Sucks (0)
Posted on March 13, 2019Selling Kate Beckinsale’s Pseudo Penis Pete Davidson’s Mom is a widow after 9/11 and Pete is an Orphan. In Hyena Society the female is dominant. Feminists say they want equality instead of domination. Psalm 68:5-6 MSG – Father of orphans, champion of widows The first step to end penis envy is U go girl urination device. As Marx said the capitalist will sell us the urination device to end penis envy. Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will … I’m gonnna do the 9/11 standup for u peter. Luke 18:38 So he called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Madonna Ghost town is false prophecy. I’m gonna save NYC like I did in 2010 when Bin Laden was at large.NO more Bin Laden. NO more terror color code. Things are looking bright but it takes an exodus and a return to fulfill the prophecy Peter my chosen one. Salve meRex TremendaeSalve me What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)Interesting (0)Useful (0)Boring (0)Sucks (0)