Red or blue, democrip or rebloodlican, coke or pepsi. 1 more choice than the Communist Party in a Communist country..
THE STARS have their Victory.
ZERO Waste Neighbor on the RIGHT
Red or blue, democrip or rebloodlican, coke or pepsi. 1 more choice than the Communist Party in a Communist country..
THE STARS have their Victory.
Mr. virtue signal is the ultimate appropriator of other cultures
Glaad to se the true d’oh show is cancelled. As well as his pocket heavy loony economy.
NELLY FURTADO green candidate for PM on televised Parliament TV show!!! When the time comes u canuckistanis vote for NF.
Dona eis Cana duh
Pax Canadiana
et tungsten lux aeterna
Roseanne is an Israeli ambassador & Messianic Jew. This next election has to descend into St. Joseph’s Catholic elementary school Boys’ VS the Girls. The schoolyard gender solidarity of children. Madonna P Beyonce VP Rosie Minister of Transportation & Roseanne the Tesla Energy to oust Crackerz Crazy Moniz.
The Young Pope & Christ’s baseball sacrifice play will lead us to Paradise. But First these puppets of the dark side leaders have to take in the Palestinians. Canada is the second largest country on Earth. Justin T is planning on brining in a million immigrants. We can’t go back to Israel until Canada is fixed. Trudeau and his Pyschlos demand this.
Nelly is gonna get shown how to make a videopress page. And u stars will be free when she teaches two and two teach four. etc etc etc
I lied to Roseanne about Catholic school molestation. It was one of my classmates that got abused not me. He was always so nervous. I got sold out to the alien United Galaxy. Xenu abducted me like Battlefield Earth movie. SO i created learning machine.
If the girls don’t win in 20/20. All u entertainer and athletes believer strike in Canada. In my city. Young Pope city. Where all your theosophic religions are respected.
SHALOM = Peace in Hebrew
SALAAM = Peace in Muslim
PAZ = Peace in Portuguese
MIR = Peace in Slavic