Dandelion Revolution 2022

Revolution seems to be in the air in Canada

From the carnation to the jasmine, flowers have long been fighting for peace and freedom. In Belarus, protesters are also using flowers to demand change.

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Whoopi Goldberg, Alkar & The Trump Exodus

what u gonna do? When God Emperor Trump mania runs wild on U?
Alkar can feel America’s pain with his empathic gift. Whoopi is a black Hebrew. The current Israeli regime sterilizes African Jews.
What will happen if Trump is re-elected? R the stars gonna leave Trump’s Federal Reserve Casino economy?

Gainan is Angelina’s nurse in “Girl Interuppted”. Mary love Angelina. Doesn’t want to see her cut up like a Virginia Ham on Thanksgiving by some quackefeller doctor.

who built the best castle of all? Of all the kings of all the empires? That’s right Ludwig the nut who wasn’t a psychopathic military conquerer. Disney based their castle after Ludwig’s Bavarian enlightened design.

dona eis pax aeterna

et lux perputua

anges dei


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