Pope Pius XIII and Heavy Burdens

Matthew 23:4  They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

I am heavy debt. U can never pay me.

1913 was the start of the Federal Reserve and Income tax. 1916 was the War Tax in Canada.

Isaiah 11:6 “a little child shall lead them”

Victoria and Greta seem to be leading now. Whoa to our leaders.  Isaiah cries out, “Woe Nelly! 

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Madonna Vs The Cartels

2020 could be a battle for america’s soul. Eternal light or the Phoebus Cartel. Legalized drugs like Portugal to break up the drug cartels. Freedom of Currency to break up th banking cartel. Trump & The Casino cartels.


if not 2020/2040

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