Number 13 & Church Desecration

Desecration is the act of depriving something of its sacred character, or the disrespectful, contemptuous, or destructive treatment of that which is held to be sacred or holy by a group or individual.

SATANIC BISHOP LUKAS PIESIK QUOTE = “What if i pooped on your Church?”

Nelson knows this Lukass quote.

Feb 16, 2019 – String of attacks on French churches includes desecration of Eucharist … of Eucharistic hosts and the use of feces to draw a crucifix on a wall.

Number Thirteen ( 13 )

The number thirteen is in superstition, the number of bad luck and evil power. According to lore, witches’ Covens always number 13 members, although there has never been sufficient evidence in history to substantiate it. That myth was given fuel by British anthropologist Margaret A. Murray, who stated in her book The Witch-cult of West
ern Europe (1921) that wItches in the middle East formed in groups of 12 plus 1 leader. In support of her theory, she cited trial records that mentioned 18 covens with 13 members between 1567 and 1673: five in England, nine in Scotland and one each in France, Germany, Ireland and America. The data were discredited by other scholars, who said the number 13 had been obtained by torture or arrived at by error. In some cases, it was the number of witches arrested; far more than 13 were then implicated in the trials. Some accused witches claimed to have 13 members in their covens, such as Isobel gowdIe, tried in Scotland in 1662, and Ann Armstrong, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, tried in 1673. Some modern covens may have 13 members, but most range in size from four to 20 members. Covens usually conduct their meetings at the full moon, which occurs 13 times a year.

Thirteen has been considered an unlucky number since ancient times. It is an unstable number, being just one beyond the number 12, which is the divine number of grace and perfection: there are 12 signs in the Zodiac, 12 hours in the day and 12 tribes of Ancient Israel. In Christianity, 13 is a parody of the last Supper, at which Christ and his apostles totaled 13 (Judas the betrayer was the first to rise from the table.) It is still considered unlucky to have 13 people at dinner.

So unlucky is 13 that it is omitted from addresses and floors of buildings. In the case of the latter, people may live or work on the 13th floor but feel better because it is called the 14th floor. The fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia. It is not uncommon for superstitious people to cancel trips on the 13th day of the month.

Friday the 13th packs a double wallop of bad luck, since Friday, the day Christ was crucified, is an unlucky day to enter into contracts, start new ventures or get married. In 1969 a 13-year-old Eton schoolboy, S. r. Baxter, proved mathematically that the 13th day of the month was more likely to fall on Friday than any other day. There is at least one Friday the 13th every year; the most that can occur is 3, as happened in 1987.

In the 19th century, the Thirteen Club was formed by 13 men in New York City to flout the bad-luck lore of the number. Appropriately, the charter dinner meeting took place on Friday the 13th, January 1882, in room 13 of knickerbocker Cottage, from 13 minutes past eight until the 13th hour (1 A.m.). The members decided to dine on the 13th of every month. Lifetime membership in the club cost $13; the initiation fee was $1.13, and monthly dues were 13 cents. At the meetings, the members thumbed their noses at other superstitions, such as spilling sAlt and breaking mIrrors. The club was so successful that a sister club was formed in London.

In the major Arcana of the Tarot deck, the 13th key, or card, is Death. If the card appears rightside-up, it signifies transformation. Upside-down, it signifies disaster, upheaval, inertia and anarchy.

Despite its bad-luck associations in superstition, the number 13 is regarded much more positively in esoteric traditions. It is the number of mystical manifestation. The teachings of Jesus are centered on the formula of 1+12 (Jesus plus his 12 disciples). One added to 12 creates the unlimited number of 13, according to Pythagoras. It is through this formula that such miracles as the multiplication of the loaves and fishes take place. Thirteen is the all-or-nothing cosmic law of destiny: death through failure and degeneration, or rebirth through regeneration. It is also the number of the Great Goddess, represented by 13 lunar cycles to a year. In the kabbalistic system of gematria, in which numerical values are assigned to letters, 13 is equated with “love of unity,” because the Hebrew letters for “love” and “unity” both total 13.

Contemporary Witches consider thirteen to be a lucky number.


Taken from : The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca – written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley – Copyright © 1989, 1999, 2008 by Visionary Living, Inc.

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37 Replies to “Number 13 & Church Desecration”

  1. Robocop ain’t toughest Croat

    Bruno little brother is croat rickson gracie…the destroyers…Joe Is mr nuclear most dangerous cuz he doesn’t fight fair…breaks the rules….eye gouges and groin shots

  2. Art of War: The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.

    our death squad vs the taylor swift/swollen nipples death squad…who will win? Who can control hearts and minds? the one with psionic attack wins

  3. let’s read gospel of thomas about girls in church…

    113) His disciples said to him, “When will the kingdom come?”
    “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying ‘here it is’ or ‘there it is.’ Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.”

    (114) Simon Peter said to him, “Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life.”
    Jesus said, “I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.”

    The Gospel
    According to Thomas

    A sharply observed novel told in six voices, Anatomy of a Girl Gang is the powerful exploration of a young girl gang in Vancouver called the Black Roses: Mac, the self-appointed leader and mastermind; Mercy, the Punjabi princess with a skill for theft; Kayos, their former classmate who gave birth to a daughter at age thirteen; Sly Girl, who fled her First Nations reserve for a better life, only to find depravity and addiction; and Z, a sixteen-year-old anti-establishment graffiti artist.

    Cast out by mainstream society, the five girls terrorize Vancouver with a primal, restless urgency. As they navigate from ATM robberies to cooking crack on the stove to savagely avenging the beating of one of their own, they hope and wait for better days that will turn into a better life, even as the darkness of fate draws inevitably nearer.

    Told with shocking and at times brutal honesty, Anatomy of a Girl Gang is a vivid and unnerving story of urban girl culture.

  4. Witching hour (supernatural)

    13th-century A.D. portrayal of an unclean spirit
    In folklore, the witching hour or devil’s hour is a time of night associated with supernatural events. Creatures such as witches, demons and ghosts are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. Black magic is thought to be most effective at this time. In the Western Christian tradition, the hour between 3 and 4 a.m. was considered a period of peak supernatural activity, due to the absence of prayers in the canonical hours during this period.[1] Women caught outside without sufficient reason during this time were sometimes executed on suspicion of witchcraft.[1] The phrase “witching hour” was first recorded in 1835.[2]

    Psychological literature suggests that apparitional experiences and sensed presences are most common between the hours of 2 and 4 a.m., corresponding with a 3 a.m. peak in the amount of melatonin in the body.[3]

    The term may be used colloquially to refer to any period of bad luck, or in which something bad is seen as having a greater likelihood of occurring.

  5. Trying to discern the true nature of the CIA and its secret operations is like going down the rabbit-hole. It’s like Alice in Wonderland. Like sitting down at table with the evil Queen of Hearts — the Mad Hatter, the Jack of Diamonds, the Cheshire Cat — and the rest of her crazy court. Patriotically, we Americans want to think of this fraternity of spies as our White Knights — champions for freedom, justice and the American way.

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