Nelly Furtado the Young Papess

Papess Tarot

Nelly Furtado is the High Priestess of NWO one world religion. I’ve been hearing her voice since Pope John Paul II came to BC place in 1984.

A Priestess order is mentioned in the bible as the Daughters of Jerusalem or Zion, Jesus mentions them. It just so happens that the Apostle Paul refers to Jerusalem as “the Mother (Goddess) of us all.” These Priestesses worn headbands with moon symbols. Celtic Priestesses also wore these lunar crescent headbands.

More on the High Priestess of early Chritianity here.

Lenny is Nelly off by one letter. People are in a love/hate relationship with Jude Law. We are theosphists who only take what is best from all the religions. That’s what the UN wants from me.

The HP has a secret. The Pomegranates. It makes older women fertile. Bridgette Nielsen’s secret for having a baby at 54.

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12 Replies to “Nelly Furtado the Young Papess”

  1. [img][/img]

    X Factor….X men….remember when “we” cured halle berry’s diabetes? woody harrelson thinks J Law is christa. nelly told truth 2 millenials so now canadian kids are voting age.

  2. Nelly always built me up when everyone was hating. Trolls wanted to see the marix neo woa. when the towers collapsed they were silenced.

    la and nelly are the wonder sisters…civilization great library & computer lab….me and crackerz coehlo could build computer lab in kenya

    to build great library u need a hacked scanner.

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