Lebanon ‘kick queen’ hits government where it hurts…
Beirut (AFP)
A woman who kicked an armed ministerial bodyguard in the groin has become a symbol of growing anti-corruption protests in Lebanon.
Marlene Jukic = Brave enough to break the Narcissistic mirror. 13 Years good luck.
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34 Replies to “Marlene Mitri & The Cedars of Lebanon”
Matt Damon as Edward Wilson in The Good Shepherd … Then comes his indoctrination into the notorious Skull & Bones society – of which …trying to ruin male modelling with phoenix mask
Matt Damon as Edward Wilson in The Good Shepherd … Then comes his indoctrination into the notorious Skull & Bones society – of which …trying to ruin male modelling with phoenix mask
Lima bean knows u r rock n roll Joe
Yah bratzo…no male angels…no victor’s secret
zoolander + Bruno cohen = no money unless we thrill them…gotta be our way or no way
That’s why i took webmaster class..chris took photography
so we don’t get swindled by youtube…video press…digital video class
nataliekolic.com has the NWO designs
Judge slams ‘vulgar’ South Park for ‘Kick a Ginger Day’ attacks …
Jew Kick Day was for self declared King of the Jews Red/shield who didn’t want to be a baur farmer, honest job, sold his soul to satan for riches
shakira and lourdes water cure…vs miley surgery?
social media doesn’t pay….cobra/SOS/illuminati burning taylor swifts masters “or hiding them” like meteor full of diamonds in siberia