Marlene Mitri & The Cedars of Lebanon
Psalm 92: 13  The just shall flourish like the palm tree, 
shall grow like a cedar of Lebanon.
Marlene has Muslim blood as well as Crusader blood.
Marlene is real Queen/President/Leader of Lebonon.
Riots are spreading Madame President…the people are fighting for YOU!


Lebanon ‘kick queen’ hits government where it hurts…

Beirut (AFP)

A woman who kicked an armed ministerial bodyguard in the groin has become a symbol of growing anti-corruption protests in Lebanon.

Marlene Jukic = Brave enough to break the Narcissistic mirror. 13 Years good luck.

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34 Replies to “Marlene Mitri & The Cedars of Lebanon”

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    Oct 12, 2019 – Hip hop billionaire Jay-Z is investing in a Kelowna company called Pela, the maker of world’s first … Photo: Beyonce and Jay Z / Shutterstock.

  2. Otkrivenje 7:9 Nakon toga vidjeh: eno velikoga mnoštva, što ga nitko ne mogaše izbrojiti, iz svakoga naroda, i plemena, i puka, i jezika! Stoje pred prijestoljem i pred Jaganjcem odjeveni u bijele haljine; palme im u rukama.

    REV 7:9 After this I had a vision of a great multitude,
    which no one could count, from every
    nation, race, people, and tongue.

    They stood before the throne and before the Lamb,
    wearing white robes and holding
    palm branches in their hands.

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    [after reading a letter sent by his mother]. Alexander : It’s a high ransom she charges for nine months lodging in the womb. Hephaistion : Bring her to Babylon, …

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    Rarely, parents, who may have some medical knowledge, poison their children because of unclear psychiatric reasons or a desire to cause illness and thus gain …

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