15 Replies to “Madonna’s Honesty”

  1. TRUMP the terrible
    he is unbearable
    dimbulb donald
    feeding the hoi polloi ronald mcdonalds
    u poor brainwashed slobs
    lost all your jobs
    he said he would make america great again
    but he lied and turned it into a garbage can

  2. wearing white clothes and white cars for albedo effect….reflect the burning sun

    family first…that’s what luis and tony say….this is G’s plan…but it’s not a race…it’s a tour of america until we reach NYC…and stand on top of the new world TC

  3. Chris Cornell = false messiah….so was Chester (son of a molester) bennington

    NO SPEEDING….u put your cars on a freighter boat and send them to europe….we take cruise ship to portugal

  4. Just cuz this guy wears a dress he thinks he is the Moshiach ben david

    “The blood of the heroes is closer to God than the ink of the philosophers and the prayers of the faithful.”

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