Katy Perry & Ned Flanders’ Lesson

I’m the long-shot I’m the Hail Mary Why can’t it be me? Daisies lyrics…
Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others
He who envies others does not achieve peace. – Buddha


Everybody wants to run the world — Beyonce Quote

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28 Replies to “Katy Perry & Ned Flanders’ Lesson”

  1. Liberate the city and give it back to its original owner

    Santa Barbara

    Civilization V
    Conquered cities (Civ5)

    Conquered cities are all cities that haven’t been founded by their current owner, but rather have been acquired by military or diplomatic means.

    When a city is conquered, or acquired through a trade deal or other method, the player is prompted with up to four options of what to do with it:

    Annex the city into his/her empire
    Make the city a puppet
    Raze the city to the ground
    Liberate the city and give it back to its original owner


    Liberating a city means that the city you capture will be returned to its original owner, after which it will immediately be added back to its owner’s empire as a settled city, allowing its owner to immediately have full access to the city’s resources with no cost to happiness and no resistance.

    When hovering over a city before attacking it, the tooltip will mention the liberation bonus, if liberation is possible. The player who eliminated a particular civilization can’t liberate its cities later on.

    When a city is liberated to an extinct civilization or City-State, they will be back in play, and they will vote for the liberator when the United Nations or World Leader election occurs, no matter how their relationship is at the time of the vote, provided they are still in play. You can liberate cities of extinct civs even if you were at war with them when they lost their last city. In case the city has been liberated more than once, the latest liberator will get the vote.

    A city can only be liberated upon the capture. If another option is chosen, it will no longer be possible to liberate the city unless it is captured again. It is also not possible to liberate a city when you capture it from its original owner, making it impossible for the player to resurrect a civilization they conquered completely unless another civ later captures one of the extinct civ’s cities from you and you then capture it back.

    In vanilla Civilization V, liberating a city is only possible if the city was part of an extinct civilization or City-State. In order to “liberate” a city originally belonging to an existing civilization, it would have to be puppeted or annexed and then gifted to its original owner.

    In Gods & Kings and Brave New World, you can liberate any captured city, whether or not its original owner has been eliminated. Unlike in vanilla, bringing a civilization back from the dead no longer guarantees diplomatic support from them.

    Liberating a City-State will immediately start an alliance with the liberator and give the liberator a lot of Influence (Civ5) Influence. (This will still decrease each turn, though, and by going under the limit, the alliance will then be cancelled.) Liberating a city of an extinct civilization will grant the liberator a relations modifier and open borders agreement for the rest of the game.

    Liberating captured cities also helps improve diplomatic relations with all other nations by reducing the player’s reputation as a warmonger if the player has earned one through the conquest of other cities.

  2. We need a “HIP” & “WITH IT” mayor named Orlando:

    Dubrovnik illustrates the willingness to create an urban landscape conceived like a work of art.

    Carnival Row starring Orlando Bloom to be filmed in Dubrovnik:


    Sophie Longerbane : “Chaos is the great hope of those in the shadows.”

  3. I’ll put up Orlando Bloom Dubrovnik mayor….KP has to help him with the Sim CIty 4 mayor game:

    We do an ego check on the Knights Templar:

    The Term is “REX MUNDI” king of the small blue world….not….REX PRIMA UNIVERS

    king of the universe is ‘grandiose’ templar delusion….we are the owners of a blue world in a small solar system….not owners of Carl Sagan “billions and billions” of galaxies in the universe

    This is the darkest moments of a dying world…we must liberate our mother planet from the Luciferian Illuminist Cabal trying to raise a Satan.

  4. padre illuminata

    Enlightened father

    madre illuminata

    enlightened mother


    Nelly Furtado Quotes

    When you follow your heart, you always win and it feels so good…

    she is gonna win EU hearts and minds….takes time and Bog’s inspiration

  5. Daniel 7:23 “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it.

    Psalm 137:8 Fair Babylon, you destroyer, happy those who pay you back the evil you have done us!



    Jeremiah 51

    Babylon Will Be Destroyed

    51 I, the Lord, am sending
    a wind[a] to destroy
    the people of Babylonia[b]
    and Babylon, its capital.
    2 Foreign soldiers will come
    from every direction,
    and when the disaster is over,
    Babylonia will be empty
    and worthless.
    3 I will tell these soldiers,
    “Attack quickly,
    before the Babylonians
    can string their bows
    or put on their armor.[c]
    Kill their best soldiers
    and destroy their army!”
    4 Their troops will fall wounded
    in the streets of Babylon.

    5 Everyone in Israel and Judah
    is guilty.
    But I, the Lord All-Powerful,
    their holy God,
    have not abandoned them.

    6 Get out of Babylon!
    Run for your lives!
    If you stay, you will be killed
    when I take revenge on the city
    and punish it for its sins.

    7 Babylon was my golden cup,
    filled with the wine
    of my anger.
    The nations of the world
    got drunk on this wine
    and went insane.
    8 But suddenly, Babylon will fall
    and be destroyed.

    I, the Lord, told the foreigners[d]
    who lived there,
    “Weep for the city!
    Get medicine for its wounds;
    maybe they will heal.”

    9 The foreigners answered,
    “We have already tried
    to treat Babylon’s wounds,
    but they would not heal.
    Come on, let’s all go home
    to our own countries.
    Nothing is left in Babylonia;
    everything is destroyed.”

    10 The people of Israel said,
    “Tell everyone in Zion!
    The Lord has taken revenge
    for what Babylon did to us.”

  7. The Lord Wants Babylon Destroyed

    51:11 I, the Lord,
    want Babylon destroyed,
    because its army
    destroyed my temple.
    So, you kings of Media,[e]
    sharpen your arrows
    and pick up your shields.
    12 Raise the signal flag
    and attack the city walls.
    Post more guards.
    Have soldiers watch the city
    and set up ambushes.
    I have made plans
    to destroy Babylon,
    and nothing will stop me.

    13 People of Babylon, you live
    along the Euphrates River
    and are surrounded by canals.
    You are rich,
    but now the time has come
    for you to die.[f]
    14 I, the Lord All-Powerful,
    swear by my own life
    that enemy soldiers
    will fill your streets
    like a swarm of locusts.[g]
    They will shout
    and celebrate their victory.

  8. REVELATION….18….the return of the King:

    18:94 Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
    “Come out of her, my people,

    so as not to take part in her sins and receive a share in her plagues,
    5 for her sins are piled up to the sky,
    and God remembers her crimes.


    The Lord Offers Hope to His People

    45 Get out of Babylon, my people,
    and run for your lives,
    before I strike the city
    in my anger!
    46 Don’t be afraid or lose hope,
    though year after year
    there are rumors
    of leaders fighting for control
    in the city of Babylon.
    47 The time will come
    when I will punish
    Babylon’s false gods.
    Everyone there will die,
    and the whole nation
    will be disgraced,
    48 when an army attacks
    from the north
    and brings destruction.
    Then the earth and the heavens
    and everything in them
    will celebrate.
    49 Babylon must be overthrown,
    because it slaughtered
    the people of Israel
    and of many other nations.

    50 My people, you escaped death
    when Jerusalem fell.
    Now you live far from home,
    but you should trust me
    and think about Jerusalem.
    Leave Babylon! Don’t stay!

    51 You feel ashamed and disgraced,
    because foreigners have entered
    my sacred temple.
    52 Soon I will send a war
    to punish Babylon’s idols
    and leave its wounded people
    moaning everywhere.
    53 Although Babylon’s walls
    reach to the sky,
    the army I send
    will destroy that city.
    I, the Lord, have spoken

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