Katy Perry & Ned Flanders’ Lesson

I’m the long-shot I’m the Hail Mary Why can’t it be me? Daisies lyrics…
Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others
He who envies others does not achieve peace. – Buddha


Everybody wants to run the world — Beyonce Quote

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28 Replies to “Katy Perry & Ned Flanders’ Lesson”

  1. at least u get paid officer Lewis…i only get rudimentary paste…my ex wife only got my insurance policy…i wanted her to get my pension. Illumicorp wanted a quick payout settlement out of court

  2. This 2001 game showed the future 19 years ago:

    State of Emergency is a “man against the mob” arcade-like fighting game where you are a member of an underground resistance movement, dedicated to liberating your people from the oppressive Corporation.

  3. REV 9:6 During that time these people will seek death but will not find it,
    and they will long to die but death will escape them.

    When the people around you are sick, poor and tired…U will get depressed even if you have everything. Katy Perry’s empathy for the poor and downtrodden…we all feel like crying at the tribulation and suffering

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