The Seven Contrary Virtues which are specific opposites to the Seven Deadly Sins: Humility against pride, Kindness against envy, Abstinence against gluttony, Chastity against lust, Patience against anger, Liberality against greed, and Diligence against sloth.
u want the truth about Katy Pires’ family in east van…we got that attitude in east van that if the cops are the “good guys”…..then we’d rather be hell’s angels…or a hell’s angel paperboy like me and my brother…..truth is they only take u if u r tough & have charisma….if u r a fungi fun guy…..CIA runs the jewels…runs the BIG drug deals….CIA puts the fentanyl in the drugs to kill John Connor’s droogs
Carmella made me put her name the chart. on the way the illuminati play all the gangs against each other….the HAs are the only uniting force of all the mafias that can overthrow the hold of this rothschild usury control
everyone’s gotten their bike stolen…and cops never ever ever found them…they told us put serial numbers….but never found sweet FA….what kind of hustle the fraternal order of police have?
The Seven Contrary Virtues which are specific opposites to the Seven Deadly Sins: Humility against pride, Kindness against envy, Abstinence against gluttony, Chastity against lust, Patience against anger, Liberality against greed, and Diligence against sloth.
There can only be 1 Young Pope…but, can the Moshiach consciousness be shared? as Yehuda Berg sez?
sharing is caring!!!
ONLY NELLY! high priestess
there can only be 1…the Vatican is a hierarchy
u want the truth about Katy Pires’ family in east van…we got that attitude in east van that if the cops are the “good guys”…..then we’d rather be hell’s angels…or a hell’s angel paperboy like me and my brother…..truth is they only take u if u r tough & have charisma….if u r a fungi fun guy…..CIA runs the jewels…runs the BIG drug deals….CIA puts the fentanyl in the drugs to kill John Connor’s droogs
yes they pick the most charismatic bikers….the ones with the best jokes
Carmella made me put her name the chart. on the way the illuminati play all the gangs against each other….the HAs are the only uniting force of all the mafias that can overthrow the hold of this rothschild usury control
our BMX bikes, mountain bikes, not motorbikes:
everyone’s gotten their bike stolen…and cops never ever ever found them…they told us put serial numbers….but never found sweet FA….what kind of hustle the fraternal order of police have?
Directive 4….i can’t protect the innocent or uphold the public trust until TRUMP fires Jacob Rothschild and his Federal express reserve