JCVD & Lukas


Lukas is a liar. The only thing i did to Lukas was draw hugh morris cartoon of the Polish and their Polish Pope Pride. Sister Helen said I was the ringleader of bullying Lukas when it was Miguel Neves. Miguel Neves put the poop in his pocket. I played chess with Luscious and other kids were jealous. Lukas hated chess and preferred Castlevania game


everyone gets beat up at richards on richards. I got beat up and rat packed but Gospa and Pink gave me revenge on bully. The HA bully quit gang banging after that. Luscious was also a subgenius. Discovered Oh Henry’s Chocalate Shizer BLackmaile

Lucious Lukas quote, “WHAT IF I POOPED ON YOUR NOSE?”


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16 Replies to “JCVD & Lukas”

  1. go into the other dimension and the aliens and x com pax thien will come…or i can swindle their alien tech like a Jew and fix everyone matt damon elysium

    jewish powers

    like 2010

    we cancelled the apocaylpe understand?

  2. sentience….like slavic cold warrior first kalki machine man vs the star trek romulan cloaked alien horde….star kraft is what bellic should play to get his mind of drugs

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