I want to hear Brad Shitt’s anti-semitic slurs about Harvey Weinstein. WANKSTERS = ACTORS = COWARDLY LIONS
Straw Man Fallacy. A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person’sargument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making.
Layman’s terms = Build up a fake helpless victim as evil incarnate, then knock it down to show u are brave. Remember BP is the man in the fried chicken suit.
they feel each others pain…project paperclip twin torture…that’s why they depend on each other…angelina and twin brother were born into the skull & bones pirate family like the bush twins
death tax and fried chicken commercials….thank u joe black
KFC chicken commercial on smart grid youtube
1912 = titanic
1913 = tax
And who would’ve thought… you, an IRS agent.
Joe Black:
Death and Taxes.
Spencer Pratt was in dream all full of envy
Pratt & Whitney R-1340 Wasp a technology …. the author of the Army’s long-range bombing doctrine and, in political terms, the …
Who’s company bombed ANGELina’s kids?
Who’s the fracking gangster?
Princes or Mad Dog killer gangsters of Malibu? u decide Celine
Spencer Pratt’s Christmas “present” b52 carpet bombing
the elders of Israel gave babylon’s enemies, russia & china tesla’s death ray…2 shoot it down
Yao, asian girl wants me to shoot that bitch down
FRACK TOP GUN….we got haarp guns 2
Chyna ain’t giving back that gosh darn plane