22 Replies to “Cousin Tony & the Fellowship”

  1. attilha nemeth was scourge of gladstone….never lost a fight


    a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.
    “the scourge of mass unemployment”

    1 of only gladstoners to save up for a house

  2. aarish was mad i gave at Attila Nemeth fair fight. i wanted him to fight his own battles….cuz attila wasn’t a bully…he got bullied so i let him have revenge

    cocktail sword is real sword of peace…

  3. Eminem cries all the time…doctors don’t understand and don’t seem to care about Detroit (hell on earth) lead poisoning

    anakin is mad the freemason jedi order hasn’t made him a master in movie…we take over the blue collar workers and build things that are made to last

  4. Rev 6

    The kings of the earth, the nobles,
    the military officers, the rich, the powerful,
    and every slave and free person
    hid themselves in caves

    Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne
    and from the wrath of the Lamb,

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