In 1815, Rothschild made his famous statement: “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
600 BC — Approximate beginning of money with first coins in Lydia.
“the show must go on” is the Illuminati money changer motto. I think Bauer/Rothschild Illuminati chose red for their Illuminati historical drama. The MGM lion is named after old man Meyer Rothschild.
NOW our fearless leader is planning on scrapping the nickels. What is the power corp secret? Melt down the pennies and keep old pennies as collector’s items
Taking your pennies to the bank was a scam. U fell for it, but not all of U.
MR Trudeau aspires to be just like MR BURNS…POWER IS POWER…no matter who’s on top. Even if it’s Santa Clause on top with Trip to North Pole Power Corp BUNKer