Homosexuality & Captivity


Noble creatures won’t breed in captivity. Everyone can feel it, taste it, invisible financial bars of a prison planet.

Did Saul really have a vision of Jesus when he made his speech about who gets into heaven? Or was he a Christian agent of Peter the Rock? Recruiting warrior monks for the retaking of Jerusalem?

The correct preaching was about boy lovers, pedophilia. That’s where most people draw the line — when it comes to sex with children. 13 (death/rebirth) number is Jewish age for sexual activity.12 was Christian age but recently the Vatican raised consent to 18.

The apostle Thomas in his Gnostic teaching talked about women who have a Fatherly, male spirit being a blessing. I think he taught this to create female religious warriors like Joan of Arc. Also geared to retake the Holy Land.

Women who have Fatherly spirit are as fit to fight for the Kingdom of Heaven as men. Males who have Motherly Spirit can contribute to the Crusade through nursing and medicine.

The Masonic religion preached tolerance a long time before the Christian Church. They gave barren women the rite of Adoption. Today in post 911 apocalypse world (Pre 1973 Psychiatry for Homosexuals), Non Binary. people have the rite to adopt. Adopting Children in the third World are what God has planned for Gays. The 3 billion Kids who appreciate being out of grinding poverty won’t judge Gay Pride like a spoiled first Worlder.


It’s a question of pride. Overcrowded Prison Planet with invisible bars and noble Creatures who think binary code is outdated. Not being the 1 or the 0 but more like HTML & PHP. Vancouver last human city. The Matrix’s Zion. The first Green CIty.

Israel isn’t ready to take in the Diaspora until The Palestinians are paid to emigrate out. We have to build here until the First world takes them in. 4.5 million of them.


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Trump 20/20 & Roseanne’s Strike

Roseanne is an Israeli ambassador & Messianic Jew. This next election has to descend into St. Joseph’s Catholic elementary school Boys’ VS the Girls. The schoolyard gender solidarity of children. Madonna P Beyonce VP Rosie Minister of Transportation & Roseanne the Tesla Energy to oust Crackerz Crazy Moniz.

The Young Pope & Christ’s baseball sacrifice play will lead us to Paradise. But First these puppets of the dark side leaders have to take in the Palestinians. Canada is the second largest country on Earth. Justin T is planning on brining in a million immigrants. We can’t go back to Israel until Canada is fixed. Trudeau and his Pyschlos demand this.

Nelly is gonna get shown how to make a videopress page. And u stars will be free when she teaches two and two teach four. etc etc etc


I lied to Roseanne about Catholic school molestation. It was one of my classmates that got abused not me. He was always so nervous. I got sold out to the alien United Galaxy. Xenu abducted me like Battlefield Earth movie. SO i created learning machine.

If the girls don’t win in 20/20. All u entertainer and athletes believer strike in Canada. In my city. Young Pope city. Where all your theosophic religions are respected.

SHALOM = Peace in Hebrew

SALAAM = Peace in Muslim

PAZ = Peace in Portuguese

MIR = Peace in Slavic

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