Dave Bautista & the Illuminati Goddess Columbia

Dax Bautista

Dave Bautista’s family lives in British Columbia. My dad Ned lets them have figs for free. Always free like Victoria coat of arms.

REV 2 I will give the victor the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in God’s paradise.

Getting called maluk hurts. I know first hand the stigma. We’re not crazy we just got alot of love. Don’t want to see our brothers and sisters die from quack cancer doctors.

Requiem aeternam Eternal rest
dona eis, Domine, give to them, O Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Te decet hymnus, Deus in Sion,
A hymn, O God, becometh Thee in Zion,

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Shannon Elizabeth & The Illuminati Goddess Columbia

Shannon Elizabeth Animal Avenger

Shannon Elizabeth wants humane zoos instead of trump casinos in Sim City. Syrian refugees are in my neighborhood. Psalm 1984. Muslims were framed in 9/11 attacks. It was an Israeli false flag.

Beautiful BC

U met the ricker eh shannon? What’s that aboot eh?

California is just gonna burn harder next year. The stars have to come to Hollywood NOrth and let the grass and dandelions grow. That’s NF’s revolution. Portugal used carnations in one of their revolutions. NF wants dandelion. Lenny = Nelly with extra n. n for nice.

Antichrist David De Rothschild cries when people fly. That’s why his family ordered TSA molestation.


1 vacation a year when the kids r out of school. Let the walt whitman grass grow. Avert global warming.

The ricker is one of my cardinals like Pat Tillman the football player.

Ave maria
dona eis requiem rex tremendae

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Sectoid Take Me To Your Dealer and the War on Drugs

sectoid weed

Sectoids control French Dupont circle.

Sectoid Weed

setoid roger from american dad likes weed and listening to drake.

Bush Hot sheets

Roger put W and Clinton in 2 office

Saudi Hand hold

Roger wants to walk with me and kanye yeezus to the weed store so he can keep cancer at bay.

American Dad

he wants to hold hands with tom “fish” cruise cuz he would use barbless hooks. andy griffith was always a fishermans friend. only man brave enough to go the clausterphobic abyss like Ed Harris in James Cameron movie.

Illuminati Chart

roger saved my life. tom fish cruise used to practice walking on the bottom of trout lake. 75 percent of the earth is water. if the oceans die most of humanity will die with it. rev 16

dona eis requiem rex tremendae christus rex


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